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Under the current environment law, the Ministry for Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine (MEPNS) during 1998 continued its work of rendering regulatory and methodological support for the state ecological examination.

To adapt this activity to the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1308 of 27 August 1998, an instructional letter was issued to the Ministry’s regional branches “On comprehensive state examination”, which sets the principles of cooperation with another body, “Ukrinvestekspertiza”.

The MEPNS through its Department of State Ecological Examination and Audit took active part in drafting the “Rules of comprehensive state examination of investment programmes and construction projects” by the State Committee for Civil Engineering. This document is extremely important for the practical implementation of the system of  a comprehensive state examination in Ukraine.

To standardize the activities of regional state examination branches of the MEPNS in terms of approval of land plots allocation, the “Procedure for considering the documentation on land plot allocation for entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine” were developed for the regional bodies of the MEPNS.

The Ministry has issued to the local branches the instructional and methodological letter “On the state ecological examination of documentation of large industrial installations” to improve the scientific level of examining the project documentation of large and potentially ecologically dangerous industrial installations.

Upon request by the Cabinet of Ministers, the MEPNS took part in the ecological examination and development of the following draft laws of Ukraine:

“On the state sanitary examination”.

“On the comprehensive development of coal mining in Ukraine through the year of 2050”.

“On development and protection of advanced and critical technologies”.

“On planning and building of the territories”.

The MEPNS also has conducted ecological examination and development of regulating and technical documentation drafted by other ministries and departments. Among them are the departmental constructing standards (DCS) “Engineering protection of the territories against flooding (first edition)”, DCS “Regulation of the river-beds, norms of designing (first edition)” and DCS “Ecological requirements for roads (designing)”.

The state ecological examination was conducted for such large industrial installations as:

Project of reconstruction of DniproGES-1 hydroelectric power station.

Project of reconstruction of Kyiv hydroelectric power station.

Verified project of construction of Tashlitska hydro–accumulating power plant.

Project of development of Aktash oil field for experimental exploitation.

According to the Law “On ecological examination” the MEPNS performs ecological examination of documentation on new machinery, technologies, materials and substances. In 1998, 90 sets of such documents have been examined, of which 10% of them were rejected as ecologically not properly grounded.

In general, the ecological examination branches of the MEPNS in 1998 examined 4,880 sets of project documents, of which 698 (14.3%) were rejected or returned for further development. Besides, 8,564 sets of documents on land plots allocated for industrial usage were considered with 252 (2.9 %) documents being turned down, thus preventing non-rational usage of land resources.


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