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Ecological situation in Kyiv.


Ecological situation in Kyiv.

A town, its technogenic and ecological system depends on many factors of social, political, economic, natural and ecological disposition.

The main factors are the social and economic conditions, scientific and technical level of development and urbanization peculiarities, and also natural geographic and ecological preconditions of social progress. The functioning of a town is determined by its dimensions, industrial, social and economic potentials. It is also determined by the disposition and by structure of production. At the same time it is historic conditions and natural factors that influence on them.

The other important peculiarity of a town consists in that it is not self-regulating and steady, from point of view of circulation of matters and energy. Such a city as Kyiv consumes the vital resources, created by nature in enormous spaces that hundreds and thousands times exceed its area. But there is a lot of toxic and hazardous industrial wastes, transport and consumer economy wastes. The municipal natural environment can not assimilate all these factors because its ecological capacities are considerably lesser then its anthropogenic and technogenic pressures. All sides of human life are growing worse: supplying of full value feeding products and drinking water, control and pollution prevention of air and water resources, soils, utilization and demolition of production and consumer wastes. And also they are social problems connected with sharp decrease of free "vital" space, towns rise, appearance, as think the specialists, of new many known and unknown diseases, conditioned by pollution as well as by becoming poor and by "narrowing" of urban environment

Kyiv has ecological problems of cities. For last three years, in conditions of economic crisis and privatization process such problems are actual:

1. Dealing with all kinds of wastes (consumer, industrial, toxic, radiation and other.)

2.Atmospheric air pollution by energetics and transport emissions (obsolete technologies, fuel quality, considerable amount growth of private automobile transport).

3. Pollution of surface and underground water resources (absence or small effectiveness of treatment facilities, especially at the sewage water courses.

4. Decrease of biological diversity (unsanctioned building, unsanctioned using of territories )

5. Extraordinary situations of technogenic and natural disposition.

In Kyiv the population is 2,7 mln. (with suburbs - 3,8 mln.). The population and considerable amount of economic centres are concentrated on limited territories (836 km2.). There the sanitary treatment has become one of the main ecological problems of municipal economy. A lack of effective newest technologies and powers of waste treatment as well as a deficit of landed areas lead to over the norm wastes accumulation on the town territory and territories of industrial units, including the wastes of I and II classes of hazard. Within the town there is a deposit into land point of radio-active wastes where are solid radio-active wastes of I and II classes by general activity 320 thousand curie, including 220 thousand curie of tritium.

Amount of motor transport, registered in Kyiv and transit one for last time increase almost two times. It led to emissions increasing into atmosphere. Of considerable danger are: Ethylic benzine using, unsatisfactory transport circles and technical state of considerable amount of cars.

A motorcar transport, as pollutant of atmospheric air, is at the first place. Its emissions are now over 70 per cent of general city's wastes. They form a high pollutive level of the air town basin. Analysis of a situation in our town, and also work experience of other countries on arrangement of diagnostics system and ecological control of transport emissions methods makes possible to solve some problems by creating in Kyiv an Ecological Militia subdivision on the basis of Transport Environmental Pollution Preventation Department.

During last years a state of the main municipal drainage collector (GMKK) calls permanent anxiety. The collector is built in 1970 for sewage waters disposal at the right-bank part of Kyiv. The collector needs a capital repair because its total amortization has become in 1990 yet. Because of funds lack (financing at the expense of the state budget) building does not go. Emergency situations that can happen on GMKK can led to ecological catastrophe not only for Kyiv, but for 30 mln. Ukraine habitants, for which the Dnipro river is the water supply source.

One of the main pollution factors of the Dnipro river (Kanivskii reservoir) and 370 reservoirs within the town is sewages. Surface sewage waters from the town territory are abstracted by collectors network of sewerage system through 41 sewers into the Dnipro river. Only 5 of them have the treatment facilities that work as pollute surface sewage waters accumulators. They do not execute their basic function that is the treatment of these waters up to level of being ecological norms. For improvement of effectiveness of their work it is necessary to complete services on supervision for treatment facilities work, as well as to implement a new treatment technologies for sewage waters.

A big danger of pollution of town's reservoirs by oil products connects with intensive sewage channels pollution. It caused by increasing amount of cars, placed at adjoining parking territories, garages, unloading points of fuel-lubricating materials on the river ports and Kyivderzhtrans, AZS (service car stations) territories without local treatment facilities at the sewages. For surface reservoirs pollution decreasing it is planned to reinforce control namely for these units.

The main ways of ecological problems solving, of ecological state improvement are determined in prospective complex plans of natural environment protection and rational natural resources use. In accordance with changes in economy the plans are corrected by current annual plans of economic and social town development, by annual natural protection plans of enterprises and organizations. For actions coordination and efforts concentration on main directions, the State Department developed a plan of the first arrangements for 1998-2010.

For atmospheric air state improvement in Kyiv it is expedient to make a reconstruction of gas-washing system at the aggregates for incineration of solid consumer wastes with using smoke gases chemical treatment degree at the DKP "Energy". It is expedient to implement smells dezodorating system at the Bortnitska เeration station.


For surface water units protection from pollution and littering as well as for volume of runoff preservation it is important to execute protocol assignments carried out during the Kyiv State Municipal Conference (26.02.98) "About observance of demands of water and land legislation in water protection zones and littoral protective stripes of Kyiv reservoirs by management organizations ". The control over assignments execution is entrusted to the State Management Departments.

For providing Kyiv habitants with proper drinking water during last two years Kyiv municipal authorities organized a pumping water supply . Now 76 pump-room are built. Expansion of pumping water supply network is an important task in the current year.

For improvement of treatment, utilization and placement of wastes in Kyiv it is necessary:

1)to implement de-mercuration of 150 thousand waste luminescent lamps placing in Darnitskii region of Kyiv;

2) to implement the technology of using or rendering harmless the combustion products at the incinerate units;

3) to liquidate the pollution superventions the enterprise "Zakhid" by beryllium and wastes accumulation with beryllium components;

4)to implement hydrological, engineering and geologic territories researches, adjoining wastes dumps and to build emergency dams for filtrate outflow prevention.

For development of green plantations protection it is necessary:

To increase a network of the natural reserve town fund, to declare 9 natural bodies as municipal nature monuments; to complete the project of landscape "Golosiivski" park formation.

So, the old problems of providing the habitants with foodstuffs, dwelling, clean drinking water etc., that are actual ones today, joint a new problem, not less actual. The problem is vital need satisfaction for clean air, favourable and healthy environment. It causes the necessity of natural protection increasing, of taking of wide complex of nature protection arrangements in each town. A main goal of the arrangements is providing social and economic development with renewing and preservation of natural environment in accordance with human health norms.




There is also information related to this issue in the following sections of the report

Water     Air        Green zone       Biodiversity      Chemical safety          Health             Waste          Nuclear safety           Soil

Web site maintained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine    State Environmental Monitoring department

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Page editor: Webmaster. Last update: 15/02/99.