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It is impossible a city without transport that provides functioning and connection of separate regions. Transport determines a town face - cars streams, transport networks and constructions, speed roads, transport circles, bridges and trestle bridges, buses and railway stations. However transport is the most dangerous air pollution sources. During 70 last years total streets length enlarged approximately 8-9 times. It is 1,6 thousand km length of trams gauges enlarged 1,6 times, the number of carriages increased 4 times, trolley -bus lines increase 87 times (from 3,5 km in 1935 to 305 km now), the number of trolley bus - from 4 to 1100.

Length of bus routes increased by the most high rates, specially into period of 60-90ths. The first bus route in Kyiv was laid in 1925, it was about 3 km. Today there are about 110 routed by total length almost 1,5 thousand km that are served approximately by 1000 busses.

The taxi-motor park consists now 3,5 thousand cars (by the way, in 1913 was only 20). Today in the town there are more than 470 thousand units of motor transport means, including 298 thousand cars, 42 thousand lorries and 6 thousand busses.

The number of filling stations and realization of fuel lubricating materials considerably increased. It is necessary to add road and other engineering special equipment with engines of internal combustion.

In according to statistics data, motor transport emissions in 1998 composed 54,737 thousand tons in the town, more then half total emissions.

Considerable part into pollution of air basin is brought also by the transit motor transport means, and also ones arrived into Kyiv from other towns. The number of such cars is 50-70 thousand units a day, according to the Kyiv DAI (The State Transport Inspection)data. Their emissions are controll by nobody and are not taken into account by statistics organizations.

Motor-car transport belongs to intensively increasing pollutants of environment. It is difficult to fight against such a pollutant. The engines, as it's known, dispose of into air a considerable amount of carbon oxides, carbo-hydrate combinations, nitric oxides, combinations of lead and other toxic and carcinogenic matters. It takes place through amount increasing and worsening of technical state of motor-car park, unsatisfactory fuel quality, lag of development rates of road network, difficulties of number of motor transport calculation (as pollutants) insufficiently developed legislative and juridical base for effective management of motor transport as ecologically dangerous units.

The cars number in town caused their more intensive traffic, higher pollution levels of environment, that connected with human health. Smog attacks stronger Kyiv. And gas-laden atmospheric air is a component part of ecological crisis of the city.

Increasing acoustic pollution of urban environment also causes sizably troubles to habitants, negatively influences on their health and psychic state. With development of all of transport means, a noise pressure on human health increases. It causes a rough, psychic unbalanced state, insomnia and as consequence- cardiac-vascular and mental affections. Now in Kyiv streets in many regions and micro-region noise reaches 80-90 decibels a day, and 50-60 decibels a night. It is impossible to think by normal phenomenon. Researches show, that acoustic pollution of urban environment is one of probably factors, that leads to increase of hypertension illness and myocardium coronary thrombosis.


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