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For development of the ecological processes it is necessary to allot an ecological orientation all of juridical and normative acts and documents, to regulations and to recommendations that adapt today in practical activity. At the same time it is necessary to develop suitable organizational, economic and financial mechanisms for making more ecological production and nature protective arrangements implement. These mechanisms in conditions of market relations transition are ought to include an effective environmental management system, payments system for natural resources use and for environment pollution, and also a special producers taxing system for nature users and preferential credits for them, too.

For each urban ecological system and its components it is necessary to develop maximum levels of technogenic and anthropogenic pressures on them with regard of their peculiarities, specific characters of environment and territorial, industrial, economic, consumer and recreation complexes of the town. The Ecological rates and regulations ought to contribute to successful environment protection tasks solving and to implement of arrangements for its improvement. Also they ought to ground an expediency of suitable funds apportionment to the environmental protection aims, especially capital investments. These rates and regulations ought to take into account not only maximum admissible concentrations whether emission of pollutant matters, and their influence on natural environment and human.

Development of ecological rates as qualitatively new normative base is necessary business, though difficult. It ought to include an enormous amount of factors and principled regulations, including a comparison of the environment change rates and public production development rates, a comparison of growth of the number of population and NTP disposition. It ought to include also a thesis about biosphere resources finiteness, about relations and reactions into a system "society - nature - production".

In conditions of such a city, as Kyiv, ecological factors and standards are of special importance while solving social and economic tasks and implementing of architectural, building and design works. However, an absence of scientifically grounded ecological standards do not give a possibility to take into account the ecological factors and to influence on methodology and methods of adjustment of social and economic town development, of planning of its regions and housing massifs, of placing and territorial redistributing production potential.

Actuality of the last problem found its reverberation in the Decree of Ukraine President "About priority tasks in town-planning sphere ". The Decree tells about improving of territories planning and building, about providing of natural resources rational use and of natural landscape protection, about implement of arrangements on protection of environment from harmful influence of technogenic and consumer factors and also dangerous natural phenomena.




There is also information related to all instruments in the following sections of the report

  Education       State control         Information             Laws  Participation           Environmental management         Conservation


Web site maintained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine    State Environmental Monitoring department

 with help and support of UNEP-GRID Arendal
Page editor: Webmaster. Last update: 15/02/99.