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Public ecological organizations


In Kyiv there are over 100 public ecological organizations. They are Kyiv municipal Nature Protection organization of Ukraine, " Green world", "Golosiyiv Safe ", "Green dossier", the Independent service of ecological safety, the Center of ecological education, too. In 1997 the Kyiv municipal public ecological rada was created. It consists of 18 public ecological municipal organizations. The Rada is a consulting center of public ecological organizations of Kyiv and State Management of Ecological Safety of Kyiv. The Rada has Regulation that was approved at the constitutive conference of Kyiv municipal public ecological organizations and the State Management Department.

The State Management Department of Ecological Safety in Kyiv, according to the order of President of Ukraine, together with municipal Nature Protection organization of Ukraine prepared an order project of Kyiv municipal Authority "About organization of annual Ukrainian action "To Clean Sources". They also developed the sources passports and plan of the first arrangements as for action taking organization in Kyiv.

In June and July 1998 there was a seminar - training and a seminar of public organizations within the international program "The Women unit its efforts on protection of environment and health", that took place in Kyiv by non-governmental womanish ecological organization MAMMY-86.







There is also information related to all instruments in the following sections of the report

  Education       State control         Information             Laws  Participation           Environmental management         Conservation


Web site maintained by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine    State Environmental Monitoring department

 with help and support of UNEP-GRID Arendal
Page editor: Webmaster. Last update: 15/02/99.